Holding the others’ feet to the fire and, if that compound film filling machines Factory too failed, ascending to the most coveted of civilian offices, the PM-ship, with the winds of promise and hope at his back — the dreamy scenario.Wilful intransigence in the face of fierce political opposition can quite realistically erode political support and boost opponents.The PML(N) or the PPP before it would hardly have been eager to listen. Dreamy in the Khanista sense has never existed.But perhaps more important, Imran has a formidable PR machine available, partly built up by his party, partly loaned out to him by elements supportive of him.The Khanista just wants to feel better about himself and this land of ours. His compromises, as and when they come, aren’t such a big deal — he is the change, not the people he needs to rely on to assemble the necessary numbers.A lie at the heart of Imran’s ascension to power and the smiting down of his predecessor has been that there is a crisis.

There have been three possible versions of Imran. Between the dead option of dreamy and the extant option of scepticism, you have to wish for hard-nosed reality.It’s a lie. But Imran chose otherwise.The PML(N)’s mismanagement of the economy has proved only one thing: between the PPP’s road to disaster and the N-League’s, there’s only a question of route, not degree.It was after Lyric witnessed the breakdown in civic and political discourse during Brexit and the 2016 presidential election in the US, that he got to work towards tackling the spread of misinformation and the negative effects it has on people’s psyche and subsequently influencing the democratic process.‘Logically’ will launch in UK in September this year and a month later in India. As standard Euro Cylinder Locks offered limited resistance to lock snapping, it was evident that a new system was needed to prevent it and secure peoples homes,” shares Lyric.

“Our product roadmap includes expanding its capabilities to do the same with picture, video and audio,” he adds. Because the WhatsApp messaging system is encrypted, it makes it extremely difficult for law enforcement to intervene and stop fake stories spread. My first course of action was designing a machine-learning algorithm, that ‘Logically’ now uses as part of an ensemble of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, to detect logical fallacy, inaccuracies and bias,” shares Lyric. He started his first business venture at the age of 16 when he designed and developed the ABS secure lock which has now become an industry standard. These are metadata — the quality of the source the information comes from, the content itself — if it contains inaccurate or misleading claims, and social network behaviour — how the story proliferates and spreads.


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