Mini Buttered Corn Cobs, Chilli Lime, Coriander YoghurtWhere according to you the Indian food industry stands in the current global scenario?Indian food is growing in popularity every year globally but I think when it comes to long term, all fully automatic liquid flexible packaging machine those big Indian flavours, which are mainly localized, traditional and regional is what will propel Indian food globally even further.Back in the year 2000, Indian taste-buds had just began to open up to international cuisines..Chef Kenworthy recently descended to one of SoBo’s most popular fine dine spot, Doppio Bar and Brasserie to curate a menu that combines flatbread with a variety of organic fresh produce and is sure to excite everyone.Tell us a bit about the new menu you created for Doppio Bar and BrasserieFor me food is all about putting beautifully simple fresh plates of food together with ingredients and flavours from all over the world.

Do you believe when it comes to the menu and food, less is more?Always, I just wish the Indian customer could understand that a menu with few choices that is freshly written each day will always be the best meal you could ever eat in a restaurant.What is the newest fad in the food industry?I think the whole world is all about back to basic’s today and you know, I’ve spent my life in food and seen fads and trends keep coming and going and coming back again but I’ve always preferred to be a trend watcher rather than take any of that too seriously as good simple hearty plates of food the whole world over still keep winning and are always in fashion.If you are not cooking professionally, what do you love eating/cooking at home? Who cooks you or your wife?I love cooking at home and tend to keep things simple, lots of one pot meals, grilled meats and fish and simple composite salads.

Crisp Skin Pan Roasted Seabass, Baby Carrots, Oven Roast TomatoesHow do you source your produce? How important is fresh produce in a menu?I always think fresh is much more important to me than the customer and continually looking at new sources for that.What is your soul food?It depends where I am, fish and chips as soon as I land in the UK from my local chippy, Tom Kah Goong in Thailand, Butter chicken in Delhi, bus loads of pork in Spain etc and at home maybe a simple chicken, beef or pork stew cooked with lots of root veggies, a side of rice and some homemade mustard and vinegar pickled vegetables.What do you think will be the USP of the menu?There is a lot of emphasis on sharing with all of the nibbles, flat breads etc and we put a lot of thought and effort in strengthening the vegetarian and Jain offerings keeping in mind Doppio’s location in the city.


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